Our Profile

FOCUS SOCIETY is a non-government, non-political, non-profitable and voluntary organization established in 1994 with direct initiatives of young, dynamic and dedicated individuals. FOCUS SOCIETY observed that Bangladesh is poor and densely populated in the world, where near about 80% people live in rural and remote areas, 60% to 65% people are landless. A large number of people in the society are in the victim of vulnerable situation and they have no knowledge about human rights. For these reason, human rights are always violate. Many of them exploited, neglected and deprived of their rights and opportunities. People with disabilities are not outer part of the victimized. Some of enthusiastic social worker now that are including the Executive Council of FOCUS SOCIETY established this organization. The organization have been taken initiatives some social welfare environmental development work like different types of cultural function that encourage people to develop their society, reducing divorce, dowry, early marriage, advocacy on different issues, giving support to the poorest people for human being from different corner in different way. By thus way performing well those types of activities, gradually established the organization FOCUS SOCIETY.

Mission & Vision


Holistic qualitative develop for the poor and ultra-people involving income generating activities to achieve in dignity of life.


Poverty and Hunger free society where prevails a social happiness & peace.

Goal & Values


A dignified standard of living with equals rights, social justice and equal distribution of local and national resources to achieve self-reliant and self-sustainability.


  • Accountability
  • Transparency
  • Honesty
  • Creativity
  • Commitment
  • Respect to the all concern people
  • Respective to women

 Aims & Objective

To lunch all type of social welfare and development activities smoothly and through sharing others some mandated organization to establish sustainable development are the main objectives of FOCUS SOCIETY. Also the organization emphasis some immediate objectives:

  1. To buildup institution of the poor and vulnerable people;
  2. To create equal opportunities for all;
  3. To improve the living status for landless and distressed people;
  4. To ensure the opportunities for neglected women and children;
  5. To ensure human rights, child rights, women rights;
  6. To ensure sustainable development for the Persons with Disabilities(PWDs) those who are poor, vulnerable and distressed;
  7. To develop agriculture using modern technology
  8. To give support and services for the period of pre and post disaster;
  9. Ensuring health and health facilities for marginalized;
  10. To create job opportunities providing skill development training;
  11. Stop violence against women & children.
  12. Ensuring services during disaster or any emergency response.


  • Advocacy and networking
  • Innovatively fund raising
  • Ecological development
  • Participatory learning and sharing
  • Innovative idea generation
  • Capacity building
  • Local resource utilization
  • Staff and Program evaluation
  • Mainstreaming gender
  • Mainstreaming Persons with Disability
  • Diversification
  • Qualitative programs expansion

Legal Status

i) FOCUS SOCIETY is registered under the Voluntary Social Welfare Institute (Registration & Control) ordinance 46 of the section no 4(3), in 1961 vide no. Bogra-1463/10, under the department of Social Welfare Ministry, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, dated 24 May, 2010.

ii) FOCUS SOCIETY is registered under the department of Joint Stock Companies & Firms with the Societies Act xxi of 1860 vide No. S-1614(29)/95, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, dated 30 January, 1995.

iii)   FOCUS SOCIETY is Registered under the Micro-credit Regulatory Authority Act  2006(Act 32, 2006) ordinance 16 of the sub-section no (3) by power. vide No. 00728-00812-00209, People’s Republic of Bangladesh, dated 3rd April, 2008.

Audit Department

FOCUS SOCIETY has ‘Audit department’ for auditing all activities of continuing programs. That means it indicates internal auditing system of these organization. It is important department of the organization. This department is directly controlled by the executive Directors. FOCUS SOCIETY also is auditing all activities (Programs & its Accounting system) by the audit firm (CA Firm) in every fiscal year.

Monitoring & Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is the core and important unit of FOCUS SOCIETY where partners, beneficiaries and other interested parties get an opportunity to share programmatic issues. When FOCUS SOCIETY start a program or project in the respective area the unit fully engaged with them and assist them by following tools and teachings:

  • Deciding what to monitor and evaluate
  • Selecting indicators for monitoring and evaluation
  • Selecting data collection methods
  • Processing data
  • Analyzing data
  • Using PM&E information for their own purpose.


Taken any decision following constitution, organizational guideline, rules and regulation in regular basis in the organization.


  • Member’s/Beneficiaries satisfaction through timely, efficient, qualitative and effective services/ product delivery.
  • Reflection of Organizational values in all activities of FOCUS SOCIETY.
  • Self-reliance of members/ Beneficiaries and sustainability of FOCUS SOCIETY.

Source Of Fund

  • Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF).
  • Grihayon Tohobil Fund Management Unit, Bangladesh Bank.

Operational Area

District Thana Number of Union/ Municipality No. of Village/ Ward
Bogra Gabtoli 15 81
Bogra Sadar 09 34
Shajahanpur 01 03
Sariakandi 01 03
Dhunot 01 01
Sonatola 02 07
Shibgonj 02 09
Total 31 138

Major Activities

FOCUS SOCIETY strives for creating innovative and variable solutions for the myriad of problems related to socio-economic conditions of the poor women folk encountered in to-day’s emerging Bangladesh. As such FOCUS SOCIETY identified the following area of activities to attain its goals and objectives:

  1. Institution Building in the rural and urban areas;
  2. Savings and Micro-credit Support Services for income generating activities. Income Generating Activities are as follows:

a)          Feri business

b)          Grochary business

c)          Rice making and Sales

d)          Van Pooling

e)          Goat and Cow rearing

f)           Cow Fattening

g)        Poultry rearing

h)        Social forestry

i)          Nursery development

j)          Vegetable cultivation

k)        Rice Cultivation

l)          Fish Culture

  • Water and Sanitation
  1. Hosing Support services
  2. Skill development training
  3. Non-formal education
  • Disability development

vii) Emergency response

Target Group/Participants

Poor, Ultra Poor, Persons with Disabilities (PWD’s) & Child with Disabilities (CWD’s) and Micro entrepreneurs of Rural/ Semi Urban/ Urban Areas of Bangladesh.

  • Poor: People those who have shelters & negligible amount of assets with other characteristics of UHP, Except begging.
  • Ultra Poor: People those who are shelter less, asset less & maintain livelihood by begging and also selling labors either in the domestic or open labor market at a very cheap rate and falls between 18-55 years aged.
  • Persons with Disabilities (PWD’s): Disabled people those who have small shelter, asset less and maintain livelihood by begging and also they can not selling labor either in the domestic or open labor market.
  • Child with Disabilities (CWD’s): Disabled child those who have no accessibility in everywhere, they are shelter less and maintain livelihood by begging.
  • Micro Entrepreneurs: Women members and their family members who have crossed poverty line, active traders in the community, acquired proficiency/ excellence in trading and fall between 18-55 years of aged.